Nestled in the picturesque countryside of Hatley, Quebec lies the charming Shelby-Drew family farm; an absolutely perfect and enchanting setting for their family session last summer. Photographing a family in their environment is always a treat, especially when home includes rolling hills, adorable cows, and a magical sunset! As an Eastern Townships photographer, I strive to capture the beauty of these landscapes all while creating a fun experience for the families I document, allowing my photography to capture the essence of joy, connection, and uniqueness of each family.
That day, we were treated to the most beautiful light mother nature can offer, as the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the fields of the farm. But what made this session truly special was the newest addition to the family – a sweet baby cow (as spotted with its mama in the first photo).
P.S. Interested in your own family photography session? Get in touch!